Tuesday, 18 June 2013

ACDSee 16 With Keygen Full Version ( 72 MB )

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With more tools than ever to help you organize your photos, perfect your best, and inspire friends and family, ACDSee 16 is the all-in-one solution for your growing collection.

Create categories, add hierarchical keywords, and rate your photos. Tag images and assign color labels, and bring them all together for further editing or sharing. You can even organize your photos as you import them from your camera or storage device. Find any photo fast. Enter phrases like "ski trip" or "birthday party", search only specific folders, narrow it down by your camera's file information, or find that one special image with the Quick Search bar. Build detailed searches and save them for ongoing use.

Put ACDSee's legendary speed to work for you. Check out your latest shots, examine details, and enjoy full-size, fully dazzling views. Any way you look at it, ACDSee 16 means instant viewing gratification.

Want to soften only a face and not the entire photo? The Edit Brush makes it super easy and fast to apply any editing effect to a specific part of your photo. Correct exposure, change the color, adjust details, or add a special effect.

Rescue photos that are too light or too dark with ACDSee's patented LCE (Lighting and Contrast Enhancement) technology. Instantly lighten shadows and reduce highlights in one click, or adjust individual sliders to fine tune every aspect.

Photos are meant to be shared. With ACDSee there are so many ways to make that happen, from social media to e-mail to iPhone and iPad apps. Get ready to inspire friends, family and the world.


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