Introduction to Flashtool {Features}
Flashtool is a flashing software that can be used to :
- Flash original Images (Android 1.6, 2.1, 2.3 Images)
- Root your phone
- Install Recovery, Busybox, custom kernels
- Clean your Rom (remove /system/apps apps of your choice) (Be careful, unless you really know what you do, do not modify the default list. This can make your phone stuck at the SE Logo)
- Clear dalvik cache
- Optimize (install of JIT v2) (Disabled in 0.4, will readd it as a plugin for 2.1 phones only)
- Customize (installs apps found in the custom/apps folder of the flashtool)
- Clean uninstalled (remove any references to system apps removed in the Clean (root needed) step)
- Edit any text file on the device
- Rebrand your device
Steel Jelly {Chief Editor Of FullPremiumNowFree}
Credit To - Ko Phyo Nyi Nyi !
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